When you’re designing multiple commercial truck wraps, it may seem like there are a few more design challenges than normal. You want to have brand consistency between each of the vehicles. You may also want them to stand out, or you may want to use different trucks to test different designs. We can help you design commercial vehicle wraps that will make the most of your advertising opportunities. Here are a few tips that will help.
Tip #1: Start with Your Brand
The most important part of your commercial vehicle wrap design is your brand elements. You’ll want to include your brand name, as well as font and colors, in the design. And, it may limit which other elements you want to include. So, it’s important to start with your branding and add other elements that will work with it, instead of clash.
Tip #2: Simpler is Better
Most trucks provide huge canvases for your design. However, it’s a big mistake to fill that space up with a complicated, visually confusing design. Simpler designs are easier for people to understand, especially if they are driving by the truck quickly. Simpler designs ensure that you make the impact you want to, instead of confusing your audience.
Tip #3: Movement-Friendly Design
People won’t always be looking at your truck vinyl wrap when it’s stationary. In fact, it will usually be moving by them, perhaps at high speeds. So, you need to create a design that has a clear impact even when moving. Some elements that reflect movement, like arrows, look especially great. Make the text large, clear, and short, so that it can be read quickly as the truck moves.
Tip #4: Preview on Different Vehicles
Commercial vehicle wraps will look different on different trucks. It is important to preview the designs on all of your types of vehicles that the wrap will be on, to ensure that you’ll be happy with each one. Often, you’ll find that different kinds of trucks need a different design, so that all the elements are visible and look balanced on the truck.
Tip #5: Work with a Great Designer
Commercial truck wraps can be a challenge to design. Ultimately, working with the right designer will give you the best design, one that will make the most of your wraps and help you reach the most people. At QC Signs & Graphics, we make creative, effective truck vinyl wraps in Charlotte, NC. Contact us today.